A place to say thank you, to recognize some of the helpful and generous people out there that have given time, access, and energy to contribute to Chance & Circumstance.
This research and site would not be possible without:
- Brian Sutton-Smith Library and Archives of Play, at the Strong National Museum of Play. Especially Beth Lathrop and Julia Novakovic.
- The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), at Bowling Green University. Special thanks to Dana Nemeth, Joseph McManis and Sherri L. Long.
- The New York Public Library Interlibrary Services and Document Delivery team and the General Research Division at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
- Bill Hoyt
- David Megarry
- David Welesy
- The North March Research Group
- All of the wargamers and role-players, past and present
If you were missed, please let me know.
Huge thanks to all of our supporters.